Obsessing Over Every Detail We Know About Bria And Simon's Relationship

I’m sure you’ve heard that every picture perfect dream house needs its Barbie? Well, when it comes to Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard, that Barbie is clearly Bria Fleming. Bria is the type of unapologetic high maintenance queen that would make Elle Woods proud, complete with her own handheld barking sidekick, Milo. Even though Bria for sure knows how to hold it down all by herself (The Martha’s Vineyard boys are tough and all but even they know to stay on her good side) every time we get a visit from her very own Ken, Simon Marco, we can’t help but obsesses over this power couple. Simon’s visits always bring shenanigans, drama, and designer looks that cost more than my rent, which is basically everything I come to Bravo for in one relationship. After Flamingo gate had us both loling and crying, it feels like a good time to unpack Bria and Simon’s relationship timeline.

How did Bria and Simon Meet?

Bria and Simon met at Cannes Film Festival in 2022, but did you expect anything less chic or expensive from these two? Meeting internationally def set the tone for this pair’s worldwide relationship. Together Bria and Simon have been to Milan, Dubai, New York, Paris, Monaco, Tulum and a dozen other amazing locales you can use as inspo for your bucket list. They also lived for a year together in Simon’s home country of Germany before Bria returned to New York and joined the Bravo spinoff.

What do Simon and Bria do for work?

How do they afford this life of luxury? Simon is an “entrepreneur” (my favorite word for rich person) who started a million dollar business when he was just 16 years old. Same, Simon, same. He’s now the CEO of Watchroom 24, a luxury watch retailer, which explains why he was handing out Rolexes like tictacs to the cast on season one. Bria is also a business baddie, having recently launched her makeup brand Bria beauty and working as a model, actress, and stylist before that.

Are Bria and Simon still together after Summer House Martha’s Vineyard?

Despite Flamingo Gate, yes, Bria and Simon are still going steady. In fact, the couple’s two year anniversary in May 2024 is fast approaching (which we can only hope they celebrate with a gag-worthy five-star experience we can live through vicariously on social media). Bria and Simon have had some dramatic blowouts and serious conversations on the show (like when Bria expressed how she felt unprotected by Simon during their time living abroad because of the judgement she felt from people running in his circle, as a dark-skinned black American woman). But now matter how heated it gets, these two always manage to navigate back to a good place. We love to see it, and so does Milo who just wants to see his parents happy (because happy mom = more treats, duh).

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.