Any betch who’s into makeup will tell you that finding a good lipstick can be a fucking ordeal. Like, first you have to find the right color. Then you have to find a liner that matches, lest you end up looking like Gwen Stefani during her No Doubt days. Then you have to worry about it drying out your lips and will it actually stay on this weekend while you down vodka shots/make out with the first guy in your line of vision/drunk eat a whole pizza? Okay so maybe if you’re doing pizza to the face at 3am your last concern is your lipstick, but the point still stands. You need your shit to stick to you like that creepy bro at the bar who bought you a drink. These are the best long-lasting lipsticks—and before you ask, you will not see a certain Jenner’s products on this because while they last forever, that shit makes your lips dryer than the Sahara desert.
1. MAC Liptensity
This lipstick is enhanced with extra pigment for a more intense color that’s designed to last for up to eight hours. Honestly, when food and alcohol is involved, you really only need about half that time before you’re going to be falling asleep or too drunk to care, so this lipstick is perfect.

2. Tarte Cosmetics Drench Lip Splash Lipstick
It’s usually a pain in the peach emoji when a vegan person constantly reminds you that they’re vegan, but Tarte Cosmetics is like, the one exception. This satin matte lipstick is created with a hydrating vegan formula that keeps your lips moisturized. Plus, the tip is narrower than a typical lipstick, so when you’re trying to reapply after a few glasses of vodka wine, there’s less room for error.

3. NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick
This cream lipstick dries into a matte finish, but it’s waterproof, which is basically another way to say it can hold its own through a night of eating and drinking better than a betch who just turned 21.

If you have a favorite lip product that you’re not willing to give up on, try lining your lips with the NYX Wonder Pencil. It helps to prevent lip colors from bleeding all over your face so that even if you happen to drink too much and embarrass yourself, you’ll look a little less messy in the Instas.

This colorless lip base moisturizes your lips and helps prevent lipstick from feathering and cracking if your heart is really set on rocking Koko K (which claims to be long-wearing and promises not to dry your lips out, but is lying).