6 Habits You're Guilty Of That Are Making Your Hair Greasy

If there’s anything that’s disgusting, embarrassing, and a telltale sign that you’ve run out of fucks to give, it’s greasy hair. I get it, though. Showering, especially on hair wash days, is v time consuming. Sure, the amount of energy it takes to actually walk and get in the shower is a lot, but once you’re in there, you’re basically never leaving. Nothing amps up your mood for the rest of the week like freshly washed hair on a Sunday night, when it’s voluptuous, bouncy, and full of life for once. But there’s also nothing more frustrating than waking up the next morning to a fucking grease ball. Like, why bother having hair to begin with? YOU TRIED, DAMN IT. Unfortunately for you, it’s the little things you’re doing on a daily basis that are contributing to the oiliness. Stop doing this shit and maybe for once, you’ll be able to go *three* days without washing (and having it look obvious). You’re welcome.

1. You’re Touching Your Hair Too Much

Similar to what we do to our face, we touch our hair too much. IDK why we do things that we know are really fucking bad for us (like say, IDK weekly binge-drinking?), but we need to stop. Like, yesterday. More often than not, our hands are gross, dirty, and full of so much grime, it’s making me vom. If you’re constantly touching your hair, you’re obvs putting all of that nasty shit onto your hair. This including constantly fixing your part, twirling your hair, or tucking it behind your ears. If you can’t refrain, make sure to wash your hands at the very least beforehand.

Twirling Hair

2. Overusing Dry Shampoo

Find a happy medium with how often you use your dry shampoo. I know, it’s the best thing ever and since we’re all lazy af, we couldn’t imagine our lives without it, but unfortunately, too much of it works the exact opposite. Overusing dry shampoo leads to gross buildup since it absorbs both excess and natural oils and ruins our hair’s balance to keep it healthy. If you must, use only once a week max (WASH YOUR HAIR, PEOPLE) and use a spray that has little to no residue, like Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk.

Dry Shampoo

3. You’re Washing Too Often

On top of making sure you’re washing your hair correctly, you can’t *over wash* your hair either. Washing too much ends up ridding your hair of all its natural oil (even the good kind), which in result makes your hair produce twice as much. FML. Reduce to washing it only every other day, or if you’re some sort of magical creature, 3-4 times a week.

My Hair

4. Using Products That Promise “Shiny Hair”

First of all, why? Second of all, no. If you already suffer from greasy hair all the time, then steer clear from shit that promises shiny hair. Fucking duh. Shiny hair shit is only acceptable if your hair is super dry and probs never ever greasy, in which case, you probably have no need to read this article. These products usually contain an abnormal amount of silicones, which are really fucking bad for your hair and make it 10 times more oily. Instead, use a clarifying shampoo once a week like Bumble and Bumble Bb. Sunday Shampoo, or literally anything else.

Cameron Diaz Bangs

5. Brushing Your Hair Too Much And Forgetting To Clean Your Brush

As much as we try to ensure our hair doesn’t end up looking like a rat’s nest by the end of the day, overly brushing your hair can cause your hair to produce more oil than necessary since you’re constantly stripping it of its natural oils. If you can barely remember to wash your makeup brushes, you def can’t remember to clean your hairbrush. If you can’t put time aside to hand-wash your hairbrush as often (and I don’t blame you), be sure to remove all of the nasty, dirty hair that’s piled up. If you don’t, you’re just putting that back on your head every time you brush. Fucking gross, dude.


6. Over-Conditioning

We all love conditioner. We love it more than shampoo, which is why we probs always run out of it first. However, like too much of anything, too much conditioner is like, really bad for your hair. An excessive amount adds an extra layer of oil and product buildup so your hair is ultimately lame, limp, and lifeless like your Bumble fuckboy. While it’s good to leave conditioner in for a tiny bit more, make sure to rinse it out just after a minute. Instead of conditioning your whole head, because it’s honestly so unnecessary, only condition the ends.

Washing Hair

Images: / Unsplash; Giphy ( 6 )